Donations to charities

At a club meeting Breffni Vintage Club made two donations to two charities from the proceeds of funds raised at events during the previous year.

Presentation of funds to Northern Ireland Palliative Care
Front Row – Liam D’Arcy Chair Person Jacqueline Maguire N.I. Palliative Care Raymond Mc Dermott and Thomas Mc Carron
Back Row – Peter Reilly P.R.O Patrick Mc Govern Treasurer Pat Mc Govern President Garry Mc Guigan Membership Sec.
Presentation of funds to Jimmy O’Donnell of Cavan/Monaghan Palliative Care
Front Row – Patrick Mc Govern Treasurer, Jimmy O’ Donnell Cavan/Monaghan Palliative Care and Pat Mc Govern President
Back Row – Peter O’Reilly P.R.O. Garry Mc Guigan Membership Sec. and Liam D’Arcy Chair Person

The two charities were Northern Ireland Palliative Care and Cavan/Monaghan Palliative Care. Thank you to all those who supported our events enabling us to make these donations to these very worthy causes.

New Years Day Run 2019

Breffni Vintage Club would like to wish all their members and friends a very happy and healthy new year and safe motoring throughout the year.

The club had their first run of the year on the first day of the year, how much more efficient than that can you get!

With ideal weather conditions a larger than usual group of motor bikes and cars assembled at Trisha’s Mini Market in Milltown Co. Cavan, where everyone was treated to scones and tea or coffee all under the watchful eye of Denis Wright. It was great to see Denis back in full flight after his recent surgery.

At the appointed hour of twelve midday Peter Reilly led the convoy off to Killeshandra, Crossdoney and Ballinagh before returning to Cavan town for more refreshments.

The club is indebted to Trisha’s mini market and Denis Wright for their efforts on our behalf.

This outing was originally for motorbikes but over the years has morphed into a very popular outing open to all vehicles. Congratulations to everybody involved.