Autojumble, Craft & Model Fair
Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre (Beside St. Patrick’s College, Cavan)
Sunday 8th March 2015 at 11am
Autojumble, Craft & Model Fair
Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre (Beside St. Patrick’s College, Cavan)
Sunday 8th March 2015 at 11am
The Government through the Road Safety Authority launched a public consultation on testing of Vintage Vehicles last Thursday the 16th of October 2014. This consultation is to be closed down by Friday November 14th 2014 and the legislation to be introduced in early 2015. At the moment any vehicles that were registered after the 1st January 1980 must be tested (NCT). The RSA are considering a number of options in providing an exemption from the requirement to undergo compulsory testing for vintage vehicles first registered either:
More information is available on the RSA website including how to give your feedback on the new proposals: RSA – Roadworthiness Testing of Vintage Vehicles
At a recent meeting which a number of Breffni Vintage Club members attended, the following slides were presented which explain the new guidelines and what you need to do to give your feedback. The slides can be download here: RSA Public Consultation Presentation IVVCC
A blank response form can be downloaded here: Roadworthiness_Testing_of_Vintage_Vehicles_Response_Form_Blank
The Breffni Vintage Club Memorial Run 2014 took place in Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim on Sunday the 25th May. Over 160 cars and bikes took part in the highly successful run.
The photos below show some of these cars during the run and at the stopover in Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Thanks to Margaret Dolan of Boyle Camera Club for providing a number of the photos.
On Sunday 13th October Breffni Vintage Club had our closing run for 2013. The run began in Derrylin in glorious sunshine at St. Ninnidhs hall where refreshments were served. We made our first stop on the top of Doon where we learned about some of the history of the area.
The next stop was at a monument in tribute to the border busters 1 mile outside of Swanlinbar.
The run then went through Swanlinbar and headed towards Kinawley passing by Mullen mart. Our next stop was at Aughakillymaude Community and Mummers Centre where we had some refreshments and a talk about the centre.
Four Wolseley 1500’s and a Riley 1.5 attended the run so a photo was taken of all 5 together.
Our final portion of the run took us back to Derrylin where we finished the day with a meal in Blake’s restaurant.
Some more photos from the run can be seen below: