Opening Run 2018

Breffni Vintage Club held our opening run for 2018 on Sunday the 22nd of April. The members assembled in Belturbet before we headed for Teemore and Derrylin to our mid-run stop in Blacklion Co. Cavan.

We were very kindly hosted by McNean Antique and Salvage in the Blacklion Enterprise Centre who provided delicious refreshments that went down a treat with all. We had the opportunity to view the wide range of antiques and collectibles that McNean’s have on offer.

We would highly recommend paying a visit to McNean’s and we wish them every success with their new endeavour. Their kind hospitality won’t be forgotten!

We departed from Blacklion for the final leg of our run which brought us on some very scenic roads with views for miles as we made our way towards Glangevlin and on to our final stop at the Keepers Arms in Bawnboy Co. Cavan where we enjoyed a lovely Sunday dinner.

Thank you to all who partook in the run and a special thank you to all who helped organise and run it. We would also like to thank everyone at McNean’s Antique and Salvage for their very kind and genourous hospitality.

You can find more information on McNean Antique and Salvage on Facebook here or you can contact them by phone on +44 7776 220670.

R.I.A.C. Classic Car Show 2018

The club was delighted to receive the award for best club stand at the recent R.I.A.C. classic car show in the R.D.S. in Dublin.
Great credit is due to Patrick Mc Govern and his hard-working crew who spent many cold nights working on the planned themes for the show.
Not content with a single theme they devised a number of themes which included “ancient Rome” complete with columns and a charioteer being drawn by a suitably harnessed Vespa scooter.
The famous film “The Italian Job”  also featured with fantastic art work by Rob. Steinke who also assisted with transport and manning of the stand. Modern day Italy also got a look in with Francie Mac’s little Vespa truck dressed as an ice cream van. What the Italian ambassador and his entourage thought of it all when he visited our stand one can only guess at.

The Italian ambassador and his entourage visit our stand

All club members enthusiastically supported the effort but the following were to the forefront with their assistance, Patrick Mc Govern who organised a motley gang of workers, who built a chariot, and bases for the roman columns. Denis Wright and Stephen Brunton worked wonders on the ice cream van. Garry Mc Guigan made “Gold” instead of money for a change which drew many comments, the ambassador wanted it returned to Italy. Norman Whyte proved a “dab” hand at the painting. Rob Steinke wowed everybody with his artwork and portrayal of a mafia man on the stand. Alan D’Arcy managed to make air con pipes look like Roman columns. Richard Mee ploughed his way through snow drifts to make sure our Centurion arrived for the event.

Many thanks to all who helped or contributed either to the work or manning the stand for a great club effort. Well done to everybody.